Average last frost in spring: June 8 | Average first frost in fall: August 30 |
Record high in summer: 34.4o C on June 14, 1969 | Record low in winter: -52.2o C on January 31, 1947 |
Total rain in 1997: 150.9 mm | Total snow in 1997: 139.2 cm |
Summer (the period when the mean daily temperature is above 8o C) | Winter (the period when the mean daily temperature is below 0o C) |
Average start date: May 24 | Average start date: October 18 |
Average end date: September 8 | Average end date: April 15 |
Average duration: 108 days | Average duration: 179 days |
"A picture is worth a thousand words."
Taken December 30, 2001
Sunrise, 9:38 am.